Sugar Free Brown Sugar Recipe - Gwen's Nest (2024)

Sugar Free Brown Sugar Recipe - Gwen's Nest (1)A sugar-free brown sugar recipe is not something you really ever think about until you are working on going low carb. And the holidays hit. And then it ranks right up there as a ‘need’ next to toilet paper and oxygen.

“Wait…they MAKE that already,” you might say. “There is a very tasty product called Just Like Brown Sugar that is sugar free!” I get excited…I rush over to Amazon to view said product. And I realize that there is no way that I am going to pay upwards of $20 for a little one pound pouch of the stuff. No. Way.

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Sugar Free Brown Sugar Recipe - Gwen's Nest (2)

And then this brilliant Trim Healthy Mama named Margaret comes up with a totally simple recipe, and said I could share it all with you. And suddenly the world all makes sense again. My kitchen can smell like spice cookies and we can all go caroling together in the snow. Except for not that last part because it never snows down here in the South. But we can TOTALLY do the spice cookies now. And that nearly makes up for the no snow thing. (almost)

Today on Trim Healthy Tuesday, we’re going to make our OWN sugar free brown sugar!Sugar Free Brown Sugar Recipe - Gwen's Nest (3)

A huge, HUGE thank you to Margaret for making winter baking and goodies possible for this mostly sugar-free Trim Healthy Mama. ♥

It really couldn’t be simpler. Just add a bit of blackstrap molasses to your sugar-substitute of choice. You can use erythritol or xylitol as the base. You may also try it with Just Like Sugar, but I’ve not experimented with that one yet.

Here’s the OFFICIAL THM Sweetener Conversion Chart, if you need it.

*An Important Update*: I’ve gotten some concerned comments about the fact that blackstrap molasses IS in fact sugar, so this recipe is NOT in fact sugar free.You caught me with your scientific facts.

Yes, there’s a teensy-tinesy amount of sugar in the blackstrap molasses. If you eat the entire cup of low carb brown sugar *bless your heart* you’ll get 3 carbs from the sugar, and 12 1/2 calories.

Most of us will get far less than that per serving size when this is used in a recipe.* These are numbers I can live with. And to show my repentance, I’ve changed the name to low carb brown sugar on the photos.
It feels so good to get that all out in the open now. Carry on.

Sugar Free Brown Sugar Recipe - Gwen's Nest (4)

I also added a couple of drops of Frontier Butterscotch natural flavoring just to give a little more oomph to it. Then you stir and crunch it around with a fork until it looks like this and smells like heaven.

Sugar Free Brown Sugar Recipe - Gwen's Nest (5)[bctt tweet=”You won’t even believe how perfect this brown sugar is! #lowcarb”] It has the right smell, the right texture, and the right taste.Margaret is my food hero. Here’s a pinnable, and your printable Sugar Free Brown Sugar Recipe

to pin!

Sugar Free Brown Sugar Recipe - Gwen's Nest (6)

4.7 from 24 reviews

Sweet Brown Recipe

Prep time

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This delicious sugar free brown sugar recipe sub is affordable, so-super-simple, and best of all, it tastes and smells amazing! Yes, it's got a teensy tinesy amount of sugar in the blackstrap molasses. If you eat the entire cup of granules *bless your heart* you'll get 3 carbs and 12½ calories from the sugar. Most of us will get far less than that per serving size.

Author: Gwen

Recipe type: Ingredients


  • 1 cup sugar free sweetener of your choice, like erythritol or xylitol
  • ¾ teaspoon molasses, blackstrap is preferred*
  • 2-4 drops extract of your choice: butterscotch, maple, or rum


  1. Measure your sugar sub into a small jar
  2. Add molasses and flavorings, and blend with a fork until evenly distributed.
  3. Use in your favorite recipes as a 1:1 substitute for the base sweetener you used.


*blackstrap molasses contains more nutrients and minerals than other types.

Xylitol does contain calories, and is toxic to dogs. It's also slightly sweeter than erythritol and can be used 1:1 with table sugar in recipes.
You may try adding in a ¼-1/2 t. of stevia extract for a 'Truvia' brown sugar blend. This will adjust the sweetness up a bit if using erythritol.Sugar Free Brown Sugar Recipe - Gwen's Nest (8)

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Sugar Free Brown Sugar Recipe - Gwen's Nest (2024)


Sugar Free Brown Sugar Recipe - Gwen's Nest? ›

Combining white sugar with molasses may be a better brown sugar substitute, but if you don't have molasses, other liquid sweeteners like honey, maple syrup, or agave nectar will work as well. You should mix a tablespoon or two of the liquid sweetener into a scant 1 cup of white sugar to replace a cup of brown sugar.

What can I substitute for brown sugar for diabetics? ›

5 Sugar Substitute Ideas for People With Diabetes
  • Stevia. While you can buy stevia sweetener packets, it also grows as a plant — and some websites make harvesting and drying your own look easy. ...
  • Coconut Palm Sugar. ...
  • Erythritol. ...
  • Advantame. ...
  • Yacon Syrup.

What are cheats for brown sugar? ›

Combining white sugar with molasses may be a better brown sugar substitute, but if you don't have molasses, other liquid sweeteners like honey, maple syrup, or agave nectar will work as well. You should mix a tablespoon or two of the liquid sweetener into a scant 1 cup of white sugar to replace a cup of brown sugar.

What kind of molasses is best for brown sugar? ›

Light or dark molasses work well for most baking projects, but seek out unsulphured molasses for the purest flavor. If you don't have molasses on hand, you can substitute an equal amount of pure maple syrup, agave nectar, date syrup, or a dark honey (like buckwheat) in the homemade brown sugar recipe above.

Is brown sugar healthier than white sugar? ›

While they are produced differently, resulting in distinct tastes, colors, and culinary uses, brown sugar is often simply processed white sugar with molasses. Contrary to common belief, they are nutritionally similar. Brown sugar contains slightly more minerals than white sugar but will not provide any health benefits.

What is the healthiest brown sugar substitute? ›

Date Sugar

If you're avoiding refined sugars, date sugar may be a perfect brown sugar replacement. It's created from dehydrated dates and has a similarly sweet, more caramel-like flavor to brown sugar. Try ⅔ cup of date sugar for every cup of brown sugar for a healthy brown sugar substitute.

Is there a such thing as sugar free brown sugar? ›

Brown sugar replacements provide the aroma, sweetness, and texture of regular brown sugar, but without all the calories and sugar content. They are divided into two groups: (1) zero-calories and sugar-free, and (2) reduced-calories and NOT sugar-free.

What is a quick substitute for brown sugar? ›

A combination of white sugar and molasses is your best bet for a brown sugar substitute, as that's exactly what brown sugar is made of (1). To make your own light brown sugar, mix 1 cup, or 200 grams (g), of granulated white sugar with 1 tablespoon (tbsp.), or 15 milliliters (mL), of molasses.

What ingredient is added to brown sugar? ›

You'll never run out of brown sugar if you keep two simple ingredients on hand: white granulated sugar and molasses. The recipe ingredients are for light brown sugar. For dark brown sugar, double the amount of molasses.

Is grandma's unsulphured molasses the same as blackstrap? ›

Unsulphured molasses can be light, dark or blackstrap, as long as it hasn't been treated with sulphur dioxide. Most commercially produced molasses is unsulphured.

How much molasses to add to brown sugar to make dark brown sugar? ›

By the way, if you only have light brown sugar and need dark brown sugar for your recipe, just add 1 tablespoon of molasses to 1 cup of light brown sugar. Stir with a fork and keep in an airtight container.

Can diabetics eat brown sugar? ›

For people with diabetes, the use of brown sugar has no healthier effects than white sugar. Users should note that any added sugars should be limited as part of a healthy, well-rounded diet. Excess sugar intake is strongly linked to the risk of heart disease, type 2 diabetes, obesity, and fatty liver disease.

Is brown sugar good for arthritis? ›

To keep pro-inflammatory sugar out of your diet, you not only need to throw out your sugar canister and desserts, you have to read the labels on anything you buy. Watch out for pro-inflammatory sugars, such as: Cane sugar (including pure or organic cane sugar) Brown sugar.

What are the disadvantages of brown sugar? ›

Just like white sugar, can brown sugar also adversely affect your health? “While there are no special side effects caused by consuming brown sugar, in some cases, when consumed in excess, it may lead to insulin resistance, weight gain and makes you vulnerable to yeast infections,” Shastry said.

What kind of brown sugar can diabetics eat? ›

Even though they have small differences in composition and taste, brown sugar and white sugar have almost identical nutritional values and the same effects on the levels of sugar in your blood. So brown sugar will not provide any additional nutritional benefit to you if you have diabetes.

What is the best sugar substitute for baking for diabetics? ›

The best sweeteners for people with diabetes
  • Stevia.
  • Tagatose.
  • Sucralose.
  • Aspartame.
  • Acesulfame potassium.
  • Saccharin.
  • Neotame.
  • Monk fruit.

Is honey or brown sugar better for diabetics? ›

Generally, there's no advantage to substituting honey for sugar in a diabetes eating plan. Both honey and sugar will affect your blood sugar level.

Is honey ok for diabetics? ›

With that being said, honey is still a natural sugar and carbohydrate that can raise glucose levels. So, while it may be slightly safer than white sugar for people with diabetes, it still should not be eaten frequently or in excess. Not to mention, some honeys on the market contain added sugars and should be avoided.

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Author: Horacio Brakus JD

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Name: Horacio Brakus JD

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Introduction: My name is Horacio Brakus JD, I am a lively, splendid, jolly, vivacious, vast, cheerful, agreeable person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.