Meal Prices
Student Breakfast: one free meal each school day
Student Lunch: one free meal each school day
Extra Milk: $1.00
Adult Prices: $3.50 for breakfast and $5.60 for lunch
LaCHIP Lunch Flyer – English
LaCHIP Lunch Flyer – Spanish
LaCHIP Lunch Flyer – Vietnamese
Monthly Menus
Elementary Breakfast
Elementary Lunch
Middle/High Breakfast
Middle/High Lunch
Economic Data Survey
Help Us Boost Our Schools’ Funding!
Your Quick Action Can Make a Big Difference
To ensure our students receive the best educational experience possible, we need your help! Each enrolled EBR student requires their parent or guardian to complete the 2024-2025 Economic Data Survey.
Why is this important?
- Increased Funding: The data collected helps our district secure essential funding.
- Enhanced Resources: More funds mean better resources, programs, and opportunities for our students.
It’s easy! Simply scan the QR code below and fill out the form. Your participation directly supports the growth and improvement of our schools.
Collaborate with us to take our schools over the top!
Click on the link below to complete the electronic application:
Summer Meal Programs
EBRPSS Summer Meals
No application is required, and drop-ins are encouraged! Meals are provided on-site Monday through Thursday, beginning May 28 until August 2, 2024, excluding Monday, June 17, and Thursday, July 4. Families can find a convenient location by clicking the button below.
Rural Site Brunch Kits
Families must pre-register (link here). On Mondays and Thursdays, three- and seven-day brunch kits can be picked up at Northeast Elementary School in Pride, LA.
Meals on the Geaux
This grab-and-go service is offered at select housing authorities and libraries throughout the city of Baton Rouge. No application is required. Check the EBRPSS Summer Feeding Meals on the Geaux listfor specific dates and times.
SUN Bucks, a.k.a. Summer EBT
This SNAP program provides school-aged children with additional benefits to purchase healthy food. For more information, visit the Department of Children & Family Service.
Breakfast in the Classroom
Studies show that children who eat breakfast at the start of their school day have higher math and reading scores and are overall better students. Find out more about the national program
Menu Information
Lunch menus are printed in the local newspaper, announced on the local television during the early morning shows, and posted in all school cafeterias.
School meals in this district follow the recommended Dietary Guidelines for Americans and offer healthy choices to students. EBR has made menus healthier by adding more fruits, vegetables and whole grain rich foods to the menus. A variety of fruits, vegetables and whole grain rich products are offered to students daily and students may choose skim, low-fat, or fat free flavored milk with each meal. EBR makes food that kids like to eat, healthier.
Student Meal Modifications: For students needing meal modifications, submit a signed prescription or statement from a medical authority licensed to write prescriptions in the state of Louisiana to the cafeteria manager at your child’s school or contact the East Baton Rouge Parish School System Child Nutrition Office at 225-226-3612 for assistance.
How to Request Meal Modifications
Diet Prescription for Meals at School
Lactose-Free Milk Request
How to Request Diet Modification for Religious Reasons
Special Diet Request for Religious Reason
Breakfast Cycle Menu Carbohydrate Counts for Elementary Schools
Holiday Menu Carbohydrate Counts
Lunch Menu: Carbohydrate Counts for Elementary Schools
Week 1/4
Week 2/4
Week 3/4
Week 4/4
Lunch Menu: Middle and High School Regular Menu and Choice Menu
Week 1/4
Week 2/4
Week 3/4
Week 4/4
Menu Descriptions
Breakfast In the Classroom/ Breakfast On the Go
In most EBR schools, breakfast is served to students where they get off the bus, where they get out of the car, or where they enter the school. Students then go to the classroom, the commons area, or outside to eat their breakfast. When students are allowed to eat breakfast in the classroom, in the commons area, or outside, more students choose to eat breakfast which allows students to have a nutritious meal before class begins helping students focus in class. Breakfast in EBR public schools is free to all students and meals meet all federal USDA nutrition standards. Breakfast menus include items students like such as biscuits with sausage, Breakfast Pizza, and mini-pancakes. When students eat breakfast at school their day is off to a positive start.
National School Lunch Program
The goal of the Child Nutrition Program is to serve nutritious, appetizing, wholesome, and affordable meals to students and staff. In East Baton Rouge Parish Public Schools, lunch meals are offered free to all enrolled students through the Community Eligibility Program. Meals are nutritionally balanced meeting federal nutrition requirements. Middle and High schools have two or more menu choices each day. Well-liked menu items such as hamburgers and baked chicken menus are served as well as regional menu items such as Gumbo. Plenty of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains are served daily and students have a choice of fat-free or low-fat milk with each meal. When students eat lunch at school, they are making a healthy choice.
Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Program
Students in approx. twenty-five EBR elementary schools receive fresh fruits and vegetables in addition to breakfast, lunch, and supper. Schools selected for this program must meet certain criteria to be eligible for this program. The Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Program allows students to receive 1/2 cup of fresh fruit or vegetables at no cost and they are distributed to students at a time other than at breakfast and lunch during the school day. The goal of the Fresh Fruit and Vegetable program is to introduce children to fresh fruits and vegetables, to include new and different varieties, and to increase overall acceptance and consumption of fresh produce. This program promotes nutrition education and healthier eating among students.
After-School Supper Program
Approximately 65 schools in East Baton Rouge Parish provide after-school supper meals to students who participate in after-school programs. Supper meals are healthy and meet USDA nutritional meal patterns and are served at no cost to students. To participate in the After-School Supper Program, schools must have after-school programs that are organized primarily to provide care for children after school, provide organized scheduled activities, and include educational or enrichment activities, such as computer lessons, or homework help. The After School Supper program provides a meal for students before they head home for the evening.
Vendor Resources
Purchasing & Commodity
Our goal in the purchasing department of the Child Nutrition Program is to purchase quality food and supply items at the best value possible, for the children as well as all customers of the East Baton Rouge Parish School System. We strive to plan nutritious, appetizing and affordable meals meeting all state and federal guidelines to enhance the nutritional demands of students.
The United States Department of Agriculture supports the Child Nutrition Program by distributing food items to our school district. These foods are of high quality and help to eliminate surplus foods from the farming industry. Some of the food items that we receive are applesauce, peaches, rice, vegetable oil, turkey roast, frozen cut chicken, pork roast and cheese. There are other items that are received throughout the school year. All of the items are of the highest quality and are stored and delivered under strict sanitation regulations.
We follow the Traditional Food Based Menu Planning Option in East Baton Rouge Parish. All schools use a three-week cycle menu for lunch and a two week cycle menu for breakfast. All cafeterias operate using an “offer vs. serve” program, meaning the student can choose three or more of the five meal components offered. The meal components are determined by the USDA guidelines.
Bid Awards 2024 – 2025
Bread, Class 1
All Milk, Class 2Bid Number: 200-20
Bid Number: 300-22
Bid Number 500-22
Bid Number 600-22
Poultry, Class 7Bid Number 700-22
Frozen Fish, Class 8Bid Number 800-22
Processed Foods List 03-551, Class 9Bid Number 900-22
Specialty Foods, Class 10 (1 of 2) Bid Number 1000-22
Specialty Foods, Class 10 (2 of 2)
Click Here for A Guide to Smart Snacks
To learn more about Concessions/Vending, please visit thePennington BioMedical Smart Snacks in School Program.
Non-Discriminatory Statement
In accordance with Federal civil rights law and U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) civil rights regulations and policies, the USDA, its Agencies, offices, and employees, and institutions participating in or administering USDA programs are prohibited from discriminating based on race, color, national origin, sex, disability, age, or reprisal or retaliation for prior civil rights activity in any program or activity conducted or funded by USDA.
Persons with disabilities who require alternative means of communication for program information (e.g. Braille, large print, audiotape, American Sign Language, etc.), should contact the Agency (State or local) where they applied for benefits. Individuals who are deaf, hard of hearing or have speech disabilities may contact USDA through the Federal Relay Service at (800) 877-8339. Additionally, program information may be made available in languages other than English.
To file a program complaint of discrimination, complete theUSDA Program Discrimination Complaint Form, (AD-3027) found online at:How to File a Complaint, and at any USDA office, or write a letter addressed to USDA and provide in the letter all of the information requested in the form. To request a copy of the complaint form, call (866) 632-9992. Submit your completed form or letter to USDA by:
This institution is an equal opportunity provider.
U.S. Department of Agriculture
Office of the Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights
1400 Independence Avenue, SW Washington, D.C. 20250-9410
(202) 290-7442