450 German Last Names (With Meanings) - Listophile (2024)

Germany has been shaped by its traditions, customs, regional influences, and historical events and is the birthplace of art and ideas. Germans are regarded as meticulous, industrious, innovative, and resilient. On this page, you’ll find curated lists of common German surnames that reflect the fascinating history of Germany.

What are German Last Names?

German last names connect a nation and culture with history and wonder. For most of history, what is now Germany was a group of Germanic states and powers unified by similar languages and cultures. German last names typically sound strong, with common themes including references to jobs or geographic places, which can give insight into the history of a German family. Common German-American last names include Schmidt, Schultz, Schneider, Keller, and Becker. Unique German-American last names include Schroeder, Bauer, Kramer, Roth, and Schaefer.

After the fall of the Roman Empire, Old German separated from other Germanic languages and eventually developed into modern German. This evolution’s effects on German surnames are evident in that these surnames stem from Old German, Middle High German, and other languages like Yiddish that influenced German. Religious-based surnames are popular due to the influence of Catholicism and Protestantism in German culture. We’ve curated a list of the most comprehensive German last names, followed by surnames by theme, which serves as a guide to learning about German surnames.

Top 100 German Last Names

Check out our list of common German last names to understand these surnames. Many common German last names have origins in professions, physical characteristics, or geographical locations.

  1. Müller – Miller
  2. Schmidt – Smith
  3. Schneider – Tailor
  4. Fischer – Fisherman
  5. Weber – Weaver
  6. Meyer – Farm administrator or Bailiff
  7. Wagner – Wagon maker
  8. Becker – Baker
  9. Schulz – Mayor or Magistrate
  10. Hoffmann – Steward or Court man
  11. Koch – Cook
  12. Richter – Judge
  13. Bauer – Farmer
  14. Schäfer – Shepherd
  15. Klein – Small
  16. Wolf – Wolf
  17. Schröder – Carter or Driver
  18. Neumann – New man
  19. Schwarz – Black
  20. Braun – Brown
  21. Zimmermann – Carpenter
  22. Hofmann – Court man
  23. Lange – Long
  24. Hartmann – Strong man
  25. Krüger – Innkeeper or Jug maker
  26. Krause – Curly-haired
  27. Lehmann – Tenant farmer
  28. Schmitt – Smith
  29. Meier – Farm administrator or Bailiff
  30. Werner – Defender
  31. Schmid – Smith
  32. Schulze – Mayor or Magistrate
  33. Maier – Farm administrator or Bailiff
  34. Schmitz – Smith
  35. Herrmann – Army man
  36. Mayer – Farm administrator or Bailiff
  37. Köhler – Charcoal burner
  38. König – King
  39. Walter – Ruler of the army
  40. Huber – Landowner
  41. Kaiser – Emperor
  42. Peters – Of Peter
  43. Fuchs – Fox
  44. Möller – Miller
  45. Lang – Long
  46. Scholz – Mayor or Magistrate
  47. Jung – Young
  48. Weiß – White
  49. Hahn – Rooster
  50. Keller – Cellar man or Tavern owner
  51. Berger – Mountain man or Miner
  52. Schubert – Shoemaker
  53. Vogel – Bird
  54. Friedrich – Peaceful ruler
  55. Frank – Free or Frankish man
  56. Roth – Red
  57. Winkler – Winkle-picker or metal worker
  58. Günther – Warrior or Army warrior
  59. Beck – Brook or Stream
  60. Lorenz – Of Lawrence
  61. Baumann – Builder or Peasant farmer
  62. Franke – Frankish man
  63. Albrecht – Noble and bright
  64. Ludwig – Famous warrior
  65. Winter – Winter
  66. Simon – Of Simon
  67. Schuster – Shoemaker
  68. Schumacher – Shoemaker
  69. Kraus – Curly-haired
  70. Böhm – Bohemian
  71. Vogt – Steward or Bailiff
  72. Martin – Of Martin
  73. Stein – Stone
  74. Jäger – Hunter
  75. Sommer – Summer
  76. Krämer – Merchant or Shopkeeper
  77. Brandt – Fire or Burned
  78. Otto – Wealth
  79. Heinrich – Home ruler
  80. Schulte – Village head or Bailiff
  81. Graf – Count or Nobleman
  82. Seidel – Beer mug or Pot
  83. Haas – Hare
  84. Schreiber – Scribe or Writer
  85. Groß – Big or Tall
  86. Dietrich – People’s ruler
  87. Engel – Angel
  88. Ziegler – Brick maker
  89. Horn – Horn
  90. Bergmann – Mountain man or Miner
  91. Pohl – Pool or Small body of water
  92. Kuhn – Bold or Brave
  93. Jansen – Son of Jan
  94. Voigt – Steward or Bailiff
  95. Beyer – Bavarian
  96. Busch – Bush or Thicket
  97. Thomas – Of Thomas
  98. Hansen – Son of Hans
  99. Arnold – Eagle power
  100. Lindner – Linden tree grower

Unique German Last Names

From the mountains of Bavaria to the canals of Hamburg, here we present some unique German last names on record. These German last names have deeply rooted historical or regional significance that might not be immediately recognizable.

  1. Arndt – Eagle
  2. Bach – Brook or Stream
  3. Baumgartner – Tree gardener
  4. Bayer – From Bavaria
  5. Berg – Mountain
  6. Brunner – Well or Spring
  7. Bruns – From Brun
  8. Burger – Citizen or Bourgeois
  9. Decker – Roofer or Thatch layer
  10. Dietz – People’s ruler
  11. Falk – Falcon
  12. Faust – Fist
  13. Fink – Finch
  14. Franz – From the name Francis
  15. Fritz – Peaceful ruler
  16. Geiger – Violinist or Fiddler
  17. Gerber – Tanner
  18. Gerhardt – Brave spear
  19. Hagen – Hawthorn or Enclosure
  20. Hammer – Hammer or Ironworker
  21. Hauser – House owner
  22. Heller – Bright or Clear
  23. Hildebrand – Battle sword
  24. Hiller – From a place with hills
  25. Hummel – Bumblebee
  26. Kern – Kernel or Seed
  27. Kessler – Potter
  28. Kiefer – Pine or Jawbone
  29. Kolb – Mace or Club
  30. Kraft – Power or Strength
  31. Krieger – Warrior
  32. Kroll – Curly or Bald
  33. Kruse – Curly-haired
  34. Lauer – Ambush or Lookout
  35. Lenz – Spring season
  36. Lutz – Famous warrior
  37. Marx – Mark’s son
  38. Metz – From the town Metz
  39. Metzger – Butcher
  40. Miller – Mill worker
  41. Mueller – Miller
  42. Münch – Monk
  43. Pfeifer – Piper
  44. Pfeiffer – Whistler or Piper
  45. Reich – Rich or Kingdom
  46. Reinhardt – Strong counsel
  47. Reiter – Rider or Horseman
  48. Riedel – From a clearing or marshy meadow
  49. Ritter – Knight
  50. Rudolph – Famous wolf
  51. Sauer – Sour
  52. Schaefer – Shepherd
  53. Scherer – Shearer or Barber
  54. Schilling – Shilling, a form of currency
  55. Schrader – Carter or Wagon-maker
  56. Schroeder – Carter or Driver
  57. Schüler – Student
  58. Schultz – Mayor or Magistrate
  59. Schütz – Protector or Watchman
  60. Schwab – From Swabia
  61. Seitz – Victory or Victory protector
  62. Siegel – Seal
  63. Stahl – Steel
  64. Steffen – Crown or Wreath
  65. Steiner – Stonemason or From stone
  66. Stoll – Stalwart or Foundation
  67. Uhlig – From a lucky charm
  68. Ullmann – Prosperity or Power
  69. Ulrich – Ruler or Heritage
  70. Urban – From the city or Urbane
  71. Wahl – Choice or Election
  72. Wendt – Wend, a Slavic group
  73. Wenzel – Wreath or Crown
  74. Wetzel – Chase or Hunt
  75. Wilhelm – Determined protector
  76. Wolff – Wolf
  77. Zeller – Cellarer or From the cellar

Cool German Last Names

These cool German last names are fit for Berlin’s hottest discotheques and raves. Their distinctiveness and resonance leave a lasting impression, making them favorites among those looking for names with a blend of heritage and flair.

  1. Ackermann – Fieldman or Plowman
  2. Bader – Bathhouse keeper
  3. Beckmann – Baker
  4. Beer – Bear
  5. Behrens – Bear
  6. Benz – Bear’s son
  7. Bertram – Bright raven
  8. Betz – God’s pledge
  9. Bohn – Bean
  10. Brauer – Brewer
  11. Christ – Christian or Follower of Christ
  12. Faber – Smith or Artisan
  13. Freitag – Friday
  14. Freund – Friend
  15. Fries – From Frisia or Frisian
  16. Funke – Spark
  17. Götz – God’s peace
  18. Greiner – Green or Grower
  19. Haag – Hedge or Enclosed area
  20. Hanke – God’s gracious
  21. Haupt – Head or Chief
  22. Hecht – Pike fish
  23. Held – Hero
  24. Kasper – Treasurer
  25. Kemper – Warrior or Fighter
  26. Klose – Nicholas or Victory people
  27. Konrad – Bold counselor
  28. Kopp – Head or Hill
  29. Körner – Grain dealer
  30. Krebs – Crab or Cancer
  31. Kremer – Shopkeeper
  32. Krug – Jug or Tavern keeper
  33. Kurz – Short
  34. Langer – Long
  35. Lemke – Lamb
  36. Meister – Master
  37. Moll – Soft or Tender
  38. Moritz – Dark-skinned
  39. Noll – Little or Noble
  40. Reimer – Rime or Poetry
  41. Rieger – Angry or Quarrelsome
  42. Römer – Roman
  43. Rupp – Raven
  44. Scharf – Sharp
  45. Schnell – Fast or Quick
  46. Scholl – Black or Swarthy
  47. Schütze – Archer or Shooter
  48. Sievers – Son of Sievert
  49. Specht – Woodpecker
  50. Sturm – Storm
  51. Ullrich – Prosperity or Power
  52. Wegner – Wagon maker
  53. Weidner – Willow or From a meadow
  54. Wichmann – Battle or Warrior
  55. Wild – Wild
  56. Wolter – Ruler or Army

Pretty German Last Names

Pretty German last names evoke beautiful imagery, natural elements, or positive sentiments. Many of these names are inspired by Germany’s picturesque landscapes, flora, and fauna or have pretty meanings.

  1. Appel – Apple
  2. Auer – Meadow or Marshland
  3. Bachmann – Brook or Stream man
  4. Bär – Bear
  5. Bernhardt – Brave as a bear
  6. Bischoff – Bishop
  7. Breuer – Brewer
  8. Eberhardt – Strong as a boar
  9. Engelhardt – Hard/Strong angel
  10. Engelmann – Angel man
  11. Engels – Angel
  12. Esser – Eater or one from Essen
  13. Evers – Boar or Wild boar
  14. Fiedler – Fiddler
  15. Fleischer – Butcher
  16. Fleischmann – Meat man
  17. Fröhlich – Joyful or Happy
  18. Haller – From a salt-producing area
  19. Hamann – High man
  20. Hartung – Brave or Strong young man
  21. Heinze – House owner or Ruler
  22. Henkel – Handle
  23. Herbst – Autumn
  24. Hildebrandt – Battle sword
  25. Kirchner – Church servant
  26. Knoll – Hilltop
  27. Kohl – Cabbage or Coal miner
  28. Kühne – Bold or Brave
  29. Kunz – Bold Counselor
  30. Lechner – From a slope or hillside
  31. Lindemann – Linden tree man
  32. Linke – Left or Left-handed
  33. Naumann – New man
  34. Reichert – Rich or Powerful
  35. Reimann – Counsel man
  36. Schindler – Shingle maker
  37. Schlegel – Hammer or Flail
  38. Schön – Beautiful
  39. Steinbach – Stone brook
  40. Straub – Rough or Wild
  41. Thiel – People’s ruler
  42. Timm – God-fearing
  43. Walther – Ruler of the army
  44. Weiler – Hamlet or Small village
  45. Weis – Wise or White
  46. Wiese – Meadow
  47. Winkelmann – Corner man
  48. Wirth – Host or Innkeeper
  49. Wunderlich – Wonderful or Strange

Old German Last Names

Old German last names harken back to medieval times and can trace their origins to ancient professions, geographic regions, or personal characteristics. Even though some of these names might be less common today, they serve as a window into Germany’s past.

  1. Altmann – Old man
  2. Baier – From Bavaria
  3. Born – Well or Spring
  4. Bosch – Bush or Thicket
  5. Böttcher – Cooper or Barrel maker
  6. Brüggemann – Bridge man
  7. Eggers – Sword’s edge
  8. Ehlers – Honorable
  9. Feldmann – Field man
  10. Förster – Forester
  11. Fuhrmann – Carter or Wagon driver
  12. Gärtner – Gardener
  13. Gebauer – Builder or Constructor
  14. Geisler – Hostage or Pledge
  15. Gerlach – Spear or Spear thrower
  16. Geyer – Vulture
  17. Haase – Hare
  18. Hartwig – Strong in battle
  19. Heinemann – Home man
  20. Heinz – House owner or Ruler
  21. Hermann – Army man
  22. Herold – Herald
  23. Hohmann – High man
  24. Kaufmann – Merchant
  25. Kellner – Cellarer or Waiter
  26. Kirsch – Cherry
  27. Klaus – Victory of the people
  28. Klinger – Cleric or Writer
  29. Köster – Sexton
  30. Kröger – Potter
  31. Lohmann – From a clearing in the forest
  32. Marquardt – Land boundary
  33. Merz – Famous spear
  34. Nickel – Victory of the people
  35. Otte – Wealth or Fortune
  36. Popp – Father
  37. Rau – Rough or Hairy
  38. Rauch – Smoke
  39. Rausch – Intoxication or Rush
  40. Reuter – Rider
  41. Rothe – Red
  42. Sander – Protector of man
  43. Schiller – To tinkle or Chime
  44. Schlüter – Doorkeeper
  45. Schott – Scot or Scottish person
  46. Schramm – Scratch or Scar
  47. Schreiner – Carpenter
  48. Seifert – Soap maker
  49. Seiler – Ropemaker
  50. Sonntag – Sunday
  51. Stephan – Crown or Wreath
  52. Strauß – Bouquet or Ostrich
  53. Vetter – Cousin

Rare German Last Names

These rare German last names are the most beloved by German culture connoisseurs. These last names are unique identifiers that have perhaps become less common over the generations or were originally less widespread.

  1. Augustin – August or Venerable
  2. Bahr – Bare or Open space
  3. Barthel – Short form of Bartholomew
  4. Bartsch – Beard
  5. Behrendt – Bear brave
  6. Bittner – Cooper or Barrel maker
  7. Brandl – Little fire or Burnt land
  8. Burkhardt – Strong as a fortress
  9. Büttner – Cooper or Barrel maker
  10. Dittrich – Mighty among the people
  11. Döring – From the Thorn bush
  12. Dörr – Drier
  13. Eggert – Sword’s edge
  14. Eichler – From the Oak tree
  15. Erdmann – Earth man
  16. Fritsch – Peace ruler
  17. Geißler – Goat herder
  18. Göbel – God’s brightness
  19. Großmann – Big man
  20. Henke – House owner or Ruler
  21. Hensel – Little Hans
  22. Hentschel – Little Hans
  23. Hesse – From the region of Hesse
  24. Heuer – Haymaker
  25. Hinrichs – Home ruler
  26. HinzChild of Hinrich
  27. Höfer – From the courtyard
  28. Hoppe – Hop or Skip
  29. Hübner – Hoop maker
  30. Jahn – God is gracious
  31. Janßen – John’s son
  32. Jost – Just or Fair
  33. Jürgens – Son of Jürgen or George
  34. Keil – Wedge
  35. Kluge – Clever or Wise
  36. Kretschmer – Innkeeper
  37. Kunkel – Spindle
  38. Kunze – Short form of Konrad
  39. Löffler – Spoon maker
  40. Meißner – From Meissen
  41. Menzel – Little man
  42. Neubert – New bright
  43. Neuhaus – New house
  44. Opitz – Prosperity and Courage
  45. Pietsch – Rock
  46. Preuß – Prussian
  47. Probst – Provost
  48. Raab – Raven
  49. Radtke – Little wheel
  50. Röder – Famous spear
  51. Rohde – Clearing
  52. Runge – Rung or Step
  53. Schenk – Server or Pourer
  54. Schröter – Carter
  55. Schweizer – Swiss
  56. Seidl – Pail or Jug
  57. Stumpf – Stump or Stubborn
  58. Völker – People’s guard
  59. Walz – Wanderer
  60. Weise – Wise
  61. Wiegand – Battle way
  62. Wiesner – From the meadow
  63. Wirtz – Innkeeper

Uncommon German Last Names

These surnames might have regional origins or be derived from professions, natural elements, or personal characteristics that are less prevalent. While not as rare as some names, uncommon German surnames can provide intriguing insights into familial history or geographic roots.

  1. Albers – Noble or Bright
  2. Baur – Builder or Farmer
  3. Beier – Bavarian
  4. Berndt – Brave as a bear
  5. Bode – Messenger
  6. Böhme – Bohemian
  7. Brinkmann – Man by the edge
  8. Brückner – Bridge keeper
  9. Buchholz – Beech wood
  10. Bühler – From the hill
  11. Eder – Swift stream
  12. Fricke – Peace ruler
  13. Gebhardt – Brave gift
  14. Giese – Short form of Gilbert
  15. Hagemann – Enclosed or Hedge man
  16. Heine – Home ruler
  17. Hennig – Home ruler
  18. Klemm – Clamp or Vise
  19. Krauß – Curly
  20. Kuhlmann – Cool man
  21. Maas – Measuring cup
  22. Mayr – Mayor or Steward
  23. Merkel – Little famous one
  24. Mertens – Son of Martin
  25. Neubauer – New farmer
  26. Neugebauer – New builder
  27. Niemann – New man
  28. Noack – New
  29. Nolte – New
  30. Pape – Pope
  31. Pieper – Piper
  32. Reichel – Rich or Powerful
  33. Ries – Giant
  34. Sauter – Jump or Leap
  35. Schade – Damage or Pity
  36. Scheffler – Steward or Manager
  37. Schumann – Shoemaker
  38. Schütte – Pourer or Server
  39. Seeger – Lake
  40. Siebert – Victory bright
  41. Stadler – From the city
  42. Steffens – Stephen’s
  43. Strobel – Tumble or Ruffle
  44. Thiele – People’s ruler
  45. Vollmer – Full famous
  46. Voß – Fox
  47. Westphal – Westphalian
  48. Wiedemann – Wide man
  49. Wieland – Battle land
  50. Wimmer – Carpenter
  51. Wittmann – White man
  52. Wulf – Wolf

More Lists:

  • German First Names
  • French Last Names
  • Italian Last Names
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Famous People with German Last Names

Albert Einstein is considered one of the greatest minds in human history. He was born in Germany in 1879 and fled the Nazis in 1933, going to Belgium, where he turned in his German passport and renounced his citizenship. His work as a theoretical physicist earned him a Nobel Prize in 1922. Einstein is a geographic surname from Middle High German, meaning ‘to surround with stone.’

Ludwig van Beethoven was born in Germany in 1770 and was a brilliant pianist and composer. One of the most renowned composers of Western music, his symphonies and concertos are played throughout schools and concert halls to this day. The surname van Beethoven comes from a region in Belgium and means ‘beet farm.’

Michael Schumacher is a world champion racing driver and UNESCO ambassador. Born in Germany in 1969, he has competed in Formula One and is known for pushing his car to its greatest potential. Schumacher is of German and Jewish origin and means ‘shoemaker.’

Angela Merkel, born in 1954, is a German scientist and politician. She earned her doctorate in quantum chemistry and served in several government positions before being elected Chancellor of Germany. The surname Merkel is a shortened form of Old German names: Markwart, which means ‘guardian of the frontier,’ and Markhard, which means ‘strong frontier.’

Oskar Schindler was born in the Czech Republic in 1908. He joined the Nazi party in 1939 but turned against them to save the lives of his Jewish factory workers. He hid workers in his factory and bribed officials to stop killings, saving around 1,200 Jews from the Holocaust. Schindler is a German surname that comes from the word Schindel, which means ‘shingle.’


Information from Wikipedia on German last names was used in the collection of this data. If you are interested in learning more about German surnames, the Digital Dictionary of Surnames in Germany provides an overview of surnames in Germany and makes the results available to the public.

450 German Last Names (With Meanings) - Listophile (2024)
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