18 Most Colorful Tropical Fish for Every Aquarium - Aquarium Passion (2024)

2. Discus (Symphysodon Sp.)

18 Most Colorful Tropical Fish for Every Aquarium - Aquarium Passion (1)

Minimum tank size

30 gallon

Care level


Average size

6.5- 8 inches

The colorful appearance, distinctive shape, and behavior of discus makes it one of the most valued freshwater fish. It’s an expensive fish, native to South America (Amazon river basin), and its name resembles its shape. The discus’s body is a little rounded and flattened like a real disk. The diversity of colors and patterns of the body of the discus fish make it an eye-catching creature in any tank, adding beauty and color to any tank. It’s best to add plants and aquarium decorations for these fish so they can thrive.

These are one of my favorite-looking fish, but this striking freshwater fish is considered difficult to keep because of their water requirements and social needs (they prefer to live in groups).

It’s not a suitable fish for beginners, and for those that do keep it, I recommend keeping at least 5 discus together. Just remember that as colorful and amazing looking as these fish are, they’re not for beginners.

3.Endler’s livebearers (Poecilia wingei)

18 Most Colorful Tropical Fish for Every Aquarium - Aquarium Passion (2)

Minimum tank size

2 gallons

Care level


Average size

1- 1.8 inches

Endlers are known for their stunning pattern and intense colors. Endler’s livebearer can sustain in hard water conditions and water with high pH. In addition to water conditions, Endler’s livebearer can also survive in a wide range of water temperatures ( as it is a cold water fish), however moderate temperature is generally preferred for this fish.

A well-planted and decorated aquarium is a must-have for an Endler’s livebearer. Live plants serve as good shelter and a hiding place for the fish.

You shouldn’t ignore a few things while selecting a tank for endlers. This hardy freshwater aquarium fish can live in a 5-10 gallon tank. However, a 10-gallon tank is more suitable because of the fry they will produce in the tank. You can start with placing 3 Endler’s livebearers ( one male and 2 females) to get enough population. All you need to do for a growing population is to provide a suitable environment and shelter to hide from predators.

4.Fancy Guppy (Poecilia reticulata)

18 Most Colorful Tropical Fish for Every Aquarium - Aquarium Passion (3)

Minimum tank size

5 gallon

Care level


Average size

2 inches (5 cm)

Fancy guppy is a remarkable tropical freshwater to add colors and eye-catching impact to any tank. This is a schooling fish and its social need makes it more incredible to watch and keep in your aquarium.

I’d recommend keeping the all-male fish in the tank, or you may keep more females than males (the preferred ratio is 1:3) in a 5-gallon tank size, this is suitable to control the breeding.

The appearance of this colorful is no doubt unique and delicate. Despite their small size and unique appearance, they are hardy. I’d definitely recommend this fish to beginners because of its hardy nature. A trio of fancy guppies can survive in a small-sized tank (5 gallons), however, to have good results I recommend you to go for a larger tank (10 gallons or larger) as this size will provide them more space to comfortably swim and live in a fish tank.

5.Cherry Barb (Puntius titteya)

18 Most Colorful Tropical Fish for Every Aquarium - Aquarium Passion (4)

Cherry Barb Photo by (c) Brian Gratwicke, CC BY 2.0, via Wikimedia Creative Commons

Minimum tank size

20 gallon

Care level


Average size

2 inches (5 cm)

Cherry Barb is an astonishing tropical colorful freshwater fish and could even be suitable for a beginner’s first addition to a freshwater aquarium. The cherry barb is peaceful in color and behavior. It’s a relatively undemanding fish, which makes it a good choice for beginners.

Cherry barbs are a schooling fish that thrives at their best when kept in groups. They spend much of their time at the bottom of the tank, and they prefer shaded areas (like around live plants).

The cherry barb has a distinguished bodily feature which makes it even more stunning: They have an elongated, forked tail and triangle-shaped fins. They also have long, dark, mid-lateral lines that originate at the nose and end at the fins.

Female cherry barbs are less colorful as compared to males. Male cherry barb fish are red to pink in color while the female is amber-brown. Cherry barbs, like many other fish, will start to lose their color when stressed.

6.Betta (Betta splendens)

18 Most Colorful Tropical Fish for Every Aquarium - Aquarium Passion (5)

Minimum tank size

5 gallons

Care level


Average size

2 inches

The betta is by far the most phenomenal and well-recognized freshwater fish out there. Bettas are one of the oldest species of domesticated freshwater aquarium fish. Also referred to as Siamese fighting fish, bettas are known for their phenomenally colorful appearance, stunning fins, and aggressive nature.

In addition to these features, bettas are also available in a vast array of colors (yellow, red, blue, black marble pattern, opaque, and even clear!) There are almost 70 types of betta fish in total.

Bettas are known for their aggressive behavior. I definitely wouldn’t recommend keeping two male bettas together in a tank; they will aggressively compete for dominance, and it won’t end well.

It’s an incredibly colorful freshwater fish, suitable for beginners. In fact, you can even place this freshwater fish in a planted 5-gallon (minimum) fish tank. If you’re planning to buy your first tank you can consider keeping a betta fish; a 10 gallon tank is best. Experts can maintain smaller tanks more easily.

7.Paradise Fish (Macropodus opercularis)

18 Most Colorful Tropical Fish for Every Aquarium - Aquarium Passion (6)

Paradise Fish Photo by (c) André Karwath aka Aka, CC BY-SA 2.5, via Wikimedia Commons

Minimum tank size

20 Gallon

Care level


Average size

2.4 inches (6 cm)

Paradise fish are an eye-catching colorful freshwater fish known for their unique feature of displaying different colors along the side of the body when fighting.

These fish can sustain standing waters with low oxygen levels because they have unique atmospheric air-breathing abilities. They prefer low light and fish tanks filled with lots of live plants (tank size 20 gallons).

The paradise fish is an aggressive fish that shows aggressive behavior towards each other and towards fish smaller than they are. If you want to keep a peaceful community, then I recommend ensuring that paradise fish are the dominant species in your fish tank and that you select tank mates very carefully.

Don’t keep this freshwater fish with other aggressive species. They will fight each other for control on a regular basis.

8.German Blue Ram (Mikrogeophagus ramirezi)

18 Most Colorful Tropical Fish for Every Aquarium - Aquarium Passion (7)

German Blue Ram Photo by (c) LEONARDO DASILVA, Flickr

Minimum tank size

20 gallons

Care level


Average size

2-3 inches

German blue ram is a popular, peaceful aquarium fish well-known for its striking color. In the context of care level, this is not a fish I would recommend for beginners. The lifespan of this colorful freshwater fish depends on the conditions in which they’re kept and the care you provide. Under suboptimal conditions, this fish will not live long as compared to those kept in optimal conditions.

Note that this fish is also called the “electric blue ram” or “electric blue cichlid.”

Strive to provide this stunning freshwater fish with a habitat close enough to its natural habitat. In the wild, they prefer areas that are covered with submerged land vegetation and live aquatic plants, so I recommend adding these elements to the fish tank to have a thriving German blue ram.

The list of requirements isn’t ending anytime soon, though: This colorful freshwater fish requires very high-quality water because these freshwater fish are sensitive to organic wastes. As a result, they’re not suitable for the inexperienced aquarist who’s still learning about maintaining good water conditions in a fish tank.

The electric blue ram is a relatively peaceful dwarf cichlid, known for their stunning coloration and personality.

Keep in mind that electric blue rams require a specific level of care to thrive in the fish tank. They’re not the best starting point for beginners; try these fish after you’ve successfully been able to keep guppies, tetras, and danios.

Electric blue rams are mostly peaceful, but sometimes males can show aggressive behavior when breeding.

9.Electric Yellow Cichlid (Labidochromis caeruleus)

18 Most Colorful Tropical Fish for Every Aquarium - Aquarium Passion (8)

Minimum tank size

55 gallons

Care level


Average size

4-5 inches

This fish has a distinctive bright yellow color with black stripes on the dorsal fin which adds to its attractiveness. Electric yellow cichlids prefer spending time grazing algae off of various surfaces. Also called a “yellow lab cichlid,” it’s more peaceful in temperament as compared to other African cichlids- But it’s not a peaceful fish! This is a common misunderstanding among novice aquarists who will hear that yellow labs are peaceful. What people mean by that is that they’re peaceful relative to other cichlids. But relative to other fish in general, they are still aggressive.

They require a large tank size: You need a minimum 55-gallon fish tank with lots of rocks, and sand substrate- And include caves.

Male electric yellow cichlids are more aggressive towards each other, so it is a better idea to keep one male with several females in a fish tank.

10.Peaco*ck Cichlid (Aulonocara sp.)

18 Most Colorful Tropical Fish for Every Aquarium - Aquarium Passion (9)

Peaco*ck Cichlid Photo by (c) 2015 William F. Hertha via Creative Commons

Minimum tank size

55 gallons

Care level


Average size

4-6 inches

The peaco*ck cichlid is a long-bodied, colorful freshwater fish with large fins. Male peaco*ck cichlids are semi-aggressive when present with female cichlids. I recommend keeping one male with four females.

These lively and active fish need caves, rocks, driftwood, and aquatic plants to mark their territory, and a large tank size with a minimum 55 gallon tank.

Keep in mind that peaco*ck cichlid fish thrive in a tropical freshwater aquarium with a rocky and sandy substrate. These fish are active and like spending time swimming, so you need to provide them with plenty of open space in the midsection and bottom of the fish tank.

These fish are a perfect choice for any freshwater aquarium.

11.Green Terror cichlid (Andinoacara rivulatus)

18 Most Colorful Tropical Fish for Every Aquarium - Aquarium Passion (10)

Green Terror Cichlid Photo by (c) 5snake5, CC0, via Wikimedia Commons

Minimum tank size

55 gallons

Care level


Average size

6-12 inches

Green terror cichlids make a statement in any tropical fish tank (as if their name wasn’t enough!). Their phenomenal color scheme and patterns make them admirable colorful freshwater fish.

In the context of care level, it’s a reasonably easy-to-care-for fish. However, its aggressive and territorial behavior is not so easy to deal with. They’re called green terrors for a reason:) You can limit their aggressive conduct by providing them with ample space in the fish tank.

If you plan to add this fish to your tank, remember that for optimal growth and health, try to provide green terrors with a habitat close to their natural environment.

Their origins are South America in Peru, and Ecuador, where they live in rivers and slow and standing waters. You can provide them with sand substrate bottoms with rocks, caves, and driftwood to help fulfill their needs.

Once you’re a moderately experienced fishkeeper, I recommend you giving this fish a try as it’s entertaining and fascinating to keep.

12.Celestial Pearl Danio (Danio margaritatus)

18 Most Colorful Tropical Fish for Every Aquarium - Aquarium Passion (11)

Minimum tank size

10 gallons

Care level


Average size

1 inch

Celestial pearl danios are VERY popular among aquarists because of their stunning colors, ease of care, and peaceful behavior. They have dark blue bodies with pearly dots (yellow or white). The pattern on the bodies of celestial pearl danio resembles the galaxy. Their unique pattern and easy going temperament make them a wonderful addition to fish tanks of at least a 10-gallon tank size.

The celestial pearl danio is a schooling fish, and must be kept in a group of at least six other celestial pearl danios (minimum 10 gallons). Male celestial pearl danios are more vibrant and colorful as compared to females.

Keeping an all-male or more male population in a fish tank is not a good idea. Males show aggressive and territorial behavior if they don’t have enough hiding spots and mating partners in the fish tank.

I recommend having an equal ratio of males and females at minimum in a tank, or to just keep more females than males.

13.Bluefin Notho (Nothobranchius rachovii)

18 Most Colorful Tropical Fish for Every Aquarium - Aquarium Passion (12)

Bluefin Notho Photo by (c) Cisamarc, CC BY-SA 4.0 via Wikimedia Creative Commons

Minimum tank size

10 gallons

Care level


Average size

2.4 inches

If you’re a moderately experienced aquarist looking for a vibrant and eye-catching effect for your fish tank, then the bluefin notho is the right choice. Bluefin notho are energetic freshwater fish with bodies covered in shiny metallic turquoise spots.

All you need is a well-maintained, well-planted tank (10-gallon minimum) with lots of hiding places for this fish to thrive.

This aquarium fish is peaceful, however male bluefins often get aggressive with each other, so stock your tank accordingly:

Bluefin notho is an amazing freshwater fish to keep in the ratio of 1 male bluefin with 3 to 5 females.

Other than this, they’re a reasonably peaceful fish that you can place in a community tank with other similarly sized species that require similar water parameters.

14.Jack Dempsey Cichlid (Rocio octofasciata)

18 Most Colorful Tropical Fish for Every Aquarium - Aquarium Passion (13)

Jack Dempsey Cichlid Photo by (c) Brent M., Flickr, via Creative Commons

Minimum tank size

55 gallons

Care level


Average size

10-15 inches

Jack Dempsey is another incredible and colorful freshwater fish with a compressed, deep body and a slightly oval-shaped appearance. They have phenomenal blue and green sparkling spots on their body. Jack Dempseys can live up to 8-10 years, so keep in mind that this is a long-term commitment. You should also know that they’re aggressive in nature, and will often bully or bite vulnerable fish. Male Jack Dempseys are more aggressive and territorial as compared to females. They claim their territory and chase off fish that enter their space.

Make sure you provide Jack Dempseys with ideal water conditions, and low-lit fish tanks with lots of decorations that they can claim as their territories.

If you want to add other species of fish in the same tank with Jack Dempsey, do so very carefully and choose fish of similar size.

Avoid keeping this freshwater with shy fish because Jack Dempsey will bully them.

15.Neon Tetra (Paracheirodon innesi)

18 Most Colorful Tropical Fish for Every Aquarium - Aquarium Passion (14)

Minimum tank size

10 gallons

Care level


Average size

1.2 inches

In terms of finding a colorful, easy to care for fish for a small tank, it doesn’t get much better than neon tetras. They’re an incredibly colorful freshwater choice that increases the aesthetics of any fish tank. These freshwater fish have a sparkling blue stripe on the bodies from adipose fin all the way to their nose, and a red stripe between the dorsal fin and the tail.

If you want to build a stunning and colorful community tank then a large school of neon tetra is a perfect choice. You need to provide your fish with a tank size of 10 gallons (minimum) as a planted tank so as to enjoy their full personality. The neon tetra is a schooling fish kept in a group of 6 at least.

Neon tetras require less care which makes them more popular among aquarists who are new.

They’re also a more ethical choice as compared to similar fish (like cardinal tetras) because they are available as captive bred, so they don’t need to be sourced from the wild.

16.Boesemani Rainbow (Melanotaenia boesemani)

18 Most Colorful Tropical Fish for Every Aquarium - Aquarium Passion (15)

Boesemani Rainbow Fish Photo by (c)LEONARDO DASILVA via Creative Commons

Minimum tank size

40 gallons

Care level


Average size

3-4.5 inches

The Boesemani rainbow gets a lot of attention because of its long body and remarkable colors that differentiate from other types of rainbow fish. They have two colors on their body: The front of this aquarium fish is blueish-gray and the other half is a mixture of orange and yellow.

Boesemani rainbow fish can live in community tanks with tank mates like discus, guppies, or shrimp. Adding a Boesemani rainbow to your fish tank will definitely make it the center of attention in the room.

These colorful freshwater fish don’t require extensive care which makes them even more desirable among aquarists. Even a beginner can start a keep shoal of boesemani rainbow fish with a little research and the required tank size.

In my opinion, the boesemani rainbow is one of the most amazing tropical fish you can find.

17.Pearl Gourami (Trichopodus leerii)

18 Most Colorful Tropical Fish for Every Aquarium - Aquarium Passion (16)

Pearl Gourami Photo by (c)פעיל למען זכויות אדם, CC BY-SA 4.0 via Wikimedia Commons

Minimum tank size

30 gallons

Care level


Average size

4- 5 inches

Pearl Gourami is among the hardiest and easiest fish to keep in a fish tank. While pearl gouarmis are a great in a community tank, be aware that sometimes males show aggression towards other fish of the same species. Avoid keeping this aquarium fish with highly aggressive fish.

I recommend keeping them with fish of the same size and temperament. In addition, these colorful freshwater fish can also live in a friendly, well-mannered way with other same-size schooling fish.

Like most fish, these colorful freshwater fish thrive in tanks that mimic their natural habitat. They prefer low lighting, floating live plants, and dark substrate. In addition to these parameters, they are adaptable to a variety of water conditions.

18. Flowerhorn cichlid (Paracheirodon innesi)

18 Most Colorful Tropical Fish for Every Aquarium - Aquarium Passion (17)

Flowerhorn Cichlid Photo by (c) Choo Yut Shing, via Creative Commons

Minimum tank size

70 gallons

Care level


Average size

10-16 inches

Flowerhorn cichlid is a perfectly colorful freshwater fish that is known for its unique nuchal hump on its head at the front.

Flowerhorns aren’t beginner-friendly because they require careful attention and a large tank. They exhibit aggressive behavior, particularly when kept without other fish of their own species.

The flowerhorn cichlid isn’t a schooling fish, but they do prefer to swim in pairs. They remain active in the daytime and enjoy maintaining their territories on rock piles and caves in the aquarium.

Keep in mind that flowerhorns produce a lot of waste (eg, high bioload) so it’s really important to have a good filter in the fish tank to maintain the water parameters of the tank A tank size of 70 gallons is the minimum.

19. Zebra danio

18 Most Colorful Tropical Fish for Every Aquarium - Aquarium Passion (18)

Minimum tank size

10 gallons

Care level


Average size

1.5- 2.5 inches

Zebra danios are not only known for their colors but also for the different zebra-like patterns on their body.

Zebra danios’ eye-catching colors, energetic personality, and ease of care make them an excellent choice not only for beginners but also for advanced aquarists.

These colorful freshwater fish love schooling, so you must keep them in groups of at least 6, preferably 7 or 8. Zebra danios are peaceful fish that do wonderfully in a community tank.

They’re a hardy fish that can adapt to different water conditions, and they thrive in fish tanks with open space for swimming and a soft substrate.

Zebra danios are more active in the daytime than at night. In terms of care level, these fish are super easy to keep and they are undemanding. I highly recommend them for beginners and for small (10 gallon) tanks.

20. Conclusion

Aquarists love colorful freshwater fish, enjoying their elegant and vibrant colors. Newbies can start with a single betta fish, dwarf gourami (in a group), or neon tetra (in a group).

From fancy guppies to tetras, beginners have many amazing colors to choose from! Cherry barbs, bluefin nothos, and yellow lab cichlids add vibrant colors to a more experienced aquarist’s freshwater aquarium.

Start with a fish that’s suitable for your experience level, and work your way up from there. Depending on the tank size, you can match fish according to temperaments and water parameters, and set up a unique, peaceful community tank.

18 Most Colorful Tropical Fish for Every Aquarium - Aquarium Passion (2024)


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Regal Rainbowfish. So-named because they display every colour of the rainbow, these freshwater fish from Australia and New Guinea look plain when in the shops but give them space, good water, good food and time, and they will blossom, becoming some of the most colourful naturally occurring tropical fish.

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Guppy (Poecilia reticulata)

Guppies are one of the most popular beginner fish for the freshwater aquarium, and it's no wonder. They are very easy to care for, they breed readily, they come in a wide range of beautiful colors, and they get along well with other fish that are similar in size and temperament.

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Here's a list of some of the most beautiful freshwater aquarium fish:
  • Betta fish: Known for their vibrant colors and flowing fins, betta fish come in a wide variety of colors, including red, blue, green, and purple.
  • Neon tetras: These small, schooling fish are known for their iridescent blue and red stripes.
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While you ponder if you could commit to owning your own small aquarium, take a look at what colourful tropical fish are out there.
  1. Cherry barb. Cherry barbs are great fish for beginners, as they are quite hardy. ...
  2. Neon tetra. ...
  3. Discus. ...
  4. Paradise fish. ...
  5. Betta fish. ...
  6. Flowerhorn Cichlid. ...
  7. Angelfish. ...
  8. Clownfish.
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Author: Edwin Metz

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Name: Edwin Metz

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Job: Corporate Banking Technician

Hobby: Reading, scrapbook, role-playing games, Fishing, Fishing, Scuba diving, Beekeeping

Introduction: My name is Edwin Metz, I am a fair, energetic, helpful, brave, outstanding, nice, helpful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.